People who have lost their teeth, and do not get them immediately replaced with dental implants, are at risk of losing jawbone strength and mass. When this happens, people may be told that they need a bone grafting procedure before they can receive their dental implants in Oak Brook, IL. Without enough healthy and strong jawbone to support and stabilize dental implants, people could be at risk of losing their dental implants.
What Can Make The Jawbone Deteriorate Over Time?
The bone in a person’s jaw can start to reabsorb and deteriorate for many reasons. One major reason is that they have lost teeth and have not replaced them with dental implants. The teeth stimulate the jawbone to stay healthy. When teeth are extracted or lost and not replaced, the jawbone naturally begins to reabsorb.
Other reasons for bone loss in the jaw can be trauma to the jawbone site, or it can be due to side effects of certain medications and necessary therapies. Unmanaged and progressive gum disease can also contribute to jawbone loss.
Regardless of why the jawbone breaks down, it undergoes a fairly predictable process. The jaw begins to shrink and change shape, aging the structural makeup of the mouth and causing the cheeks to take on a more hollow appearance. As the remaining bone continues to weaken, the existing teeth become at risk of coming loose and falling out.
How Does Bone Grafting Help Me Get Dental Implants After Jawbone Loss
Bone grafting is a standard and safe way for patients to restore bone health, even in cases of significant bone loss. People who are not immediate candidates for dental implants because of bone loss, can become candidates for dental implants after a successful bone grafting procedure.
The general process of bone grafting is introducing bone graft material to the site of the weakened jawbone. The bone graft material can come from the patient or a donor source. Once the bone graft is placed, it can start to bond with the bone around it and form a stronger foundation.
Doctors can use bone grafting to both strengthen the jaw as well as restore an uneven and aged jawline. The treatment takes several months but provides a secure, solid, and dependable base for future dental implants.
We Can Treat You With Dental Implants In Oak Brook, IL, After A Bone Grafting Procedure
Our skilled periodontist, Dr. Amarik Singh, and the rest of the team at the Periodontal Implant Associates office, routinely help patients get approved for dental implant surgery through the application of treatments like bone grafting. If you worry that you may have lost bone over the years, you can feel comfortable and confident setting up a consultation at our office.
During your consultation, we can provide you with the information you need to move forward with your dreams of a dazzling new smile. Don’t wait to transform your smile with bone grafting and dental implant procedures. Get in contact with Dr. Amarik Singh and our high-quality team at our Periodontal Implant Associates office to schedule an appointment today!